Thursday, March 18, 2010

Chapter 9 of So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore

This chapter was a big one for me.  I hope that whoever is reading this will find the courage to read Beth's book.  It has been the vessel I needed to begin breaking down the big wall I've built around me over the years. With every hurt and disappointment I've endured, another brick would be placed on my wall until it was so high, even I couldn't see over it.  That wall is coming down, brick by miserable brick!  I can finally see over it and let me tell you, the grass IS greener on the other side!

On March 11th...

I don't know why I haven't been able to do chapter 9 yet. I think I'm a little frightened. A little insecure maybe? I'd be asking God to take away all my insecurities but what happens if He does? I'm afraid that without some insecurity that I may become OVER confident and I so don't want that. If I'm too confident I'm afraid that I won't be able to relate with others who are insecure. There is such comfort in knowing you're not alone. I'm just thinking out loud right now...please forgive me...I'm hoping that through everyone's comments I will feel compelled to go ahead and read it without any hesitation.

On March 17th I wrote:
 I finally had the courage to read Chapter 9! There is something to be said about a beautiful sunny warm day to feel like God is all around you. I was sitting out on my swing and felt Him nudge me to go ahead and read it. I felt Him say, it's O.K. I'm right here with you, you can do it. So I did. My first reaction is WOW! I feel like I was turned inside out. In a good way. I felt like all the ugly truths I've believed for so long were taken captive by God in the moment I spoke the words. I'm sure I will have to re-read it every now and again because I'm flesh and blood and will need reminding of who I am in Christ. But I know without a doubt that God knows I will struggle occasionally and that He will be there right beside me to remind me that He is bigger than anything and that He loves me the way I am because He formed me and He does not make mistakes. I will have to read this prayer again to keep me in my place.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh, Wendy, I am already (actually have already listened to at least 3 times!) reading and discussing the book with you.
    This is a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing.
