Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I walked into bible study this morning feeling quite guilty.  I didn't do my homework.  I wasn't going to be able to participate in the discussion because I wasn't going to know what they were talking about.  So I was prepared to be quiet.  It may have been planned that way from Someone who sees what we don't.  I think I was meant to listen today rather than talk (which is something I don't do well naturally).  So I listened.  One of the women was visibly emotional.  She isn't usually so before she spoke I knew something was up.  I wasn't prepared to hear what she said.  To be honest it scared the %@*! out of me.  Especially when a second woman spoke up and after I had thought it right after the earth quake in Haiti.  She said that she has had incredible feelings that Jesus was coming soon.  Which means "Revelations".  I don't know much about the book or Revelations but I have heard snippets about it.  One of the things I know is that there will be signs, BIG signs, like natural desasters.  There would be 7 years of things like that happening and it would mean the end is near.  Well with the Sunami, and now three big earthquakes in 3 months and the weird weather changes and that movie 2012, it had me thinking this already and then for 2 other people to bring it up?  What if it's true?  What if the end is near?  My first though was not for me but for my children.  What if they are not saved when the time came?  What if they haven't accepted Jesus in their heart?  What of all my loved ones who are not Christians?  It put a fear in me!  I left that room at study thinking "I have to step it up!"  For my kids' sake, I need to step it up and make sure that there is no doubt that Jesus lives in them so that when the time comes I won't have to worry about it.  But then I think, "what if I think I'm saved and I'm not?"  I think i am but what if God doesn't believe me?  What if I'm left behind?  I don't want to be left behind!  I want that existence in Heaven.  I want to experience that ultimate freedom!  I don't want to be left behind!

So what do I do?  How do I guarentee that my loved ones as well as myself will be guarenteed a place in Heaven?  Do I panic and read my Bible frantically?  Do I make the kids read their Bible?  Do I try to convince them that they HAVE to make that connection with Christ and invite Him into their hearts?  Do I need to tell them it's a matter of life and death?  Do I need to put a fear in them?  Do I tell them I'm afraid that if they don't accept Jesus into their hearts that they will be left behind and I don't want them to be?

Will I see all my loved ones in Heaven?  I don't want to be separated from them.  What if some make into Heaven and some don't?  All these scary questions.  I don't know what to do with them.  Part of me wants to read the book of Revelations but part of me is afraid to. I don't want to live in fear of the end of times.  But if I'm not afraid, will I step it up for my kids' sake?  Is this what God is trying to tell me?  That I need to step it up?

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